Open your garage door with your iphone – there’s an app for that. Operating your garage door has never been easier. Liftmaster recently created myQ technology, which turns most smart phones into remote controls. Setting it up includes connecting a gateway device to your router and installing an app on your phone. Chamberlain Liftmaster released iphone compatible garage door openers – models 8360 and 8550W.
Any Chamberlain or Liftmaster operator using myQ technology is smartphone enabled. With the purchase of an internet gateway device, 828LM you can easily turn your iphone into a remote control. Best of all, you can operate your garage door from anywhere in the world. The app has a garage door monitor that tells you if your garage door is open or closed – in real time.
What Do You Need?
- 8550W or 8360 Garage Door Opener
- Gateway 828LM Device
- Wireless Router
- Fast Internet Connection
- Up To Date Computer Software
On a long trip and worried you left the garage door open? At work and need to let your kids in the house? Open the iphone app and click the garage door icon to operate your door. The program even provides detailed statistics on usage. No more waiting for your garage door to open in the driveway. Open the door from miles away and have it ready for you to get the kids inside and groceries unloaded. You can operate your garage door from anywhere in the world.
Look for the myQ logo on all Chamberlain or Liftmaster products. You can find these products through box stores or professional door dealers. Log in to your Apple app store and search for myQ Liftmaster. The app is free to download and has a one year free trial followed by a $14.99 annual fee – just over a dollar per month.