Garage Door Cables

Shown above are various styles of garage door cables and truck door cables. From left to right: Torsion Cables, Extension Cables and Truck Door Cables. Most cables are 1/8″ thick although we off cables with 3/16″ diameter for commercial doors. Cables come in standard lengths and 1/8″ diameter.

We offer assembled and raw cable in both standard and custom lengths for torsion spring and extension spring garage door systems.

Be sure to make sure the length and thickness of your cables are compatible with the drums you have.

Cable length and thickness is determined by the the weight of your door, style of lift and type of drum. High lift and full vertical lift require special drums and longer cables than standard lift doors because of the location and diameter of the drums. Standard lift doors require cables that account for the door height +18 inches. For example a 7ft tall door requires 102″ cables (84″ + 18″).

Raw cable of 3/32″, 1/8″, 5/32″, 3/16″, and 1/4″ diameters is also available. If you need to create your own custom overhead door cables we also sell stops, sleeves, thimbles, and spools.

Customers typically will purchase pre-assembled cables for torsion spring and extension spring garage doors. Pre-assembled standard lengths of cable for torsion spring doors come for 7′ and 8′ high doors. Assembled lengths of extension spring cables as well as safety cables are also available for 7′ and 8′ high garage doors.

See our DIY cable replacement guide for standard torsion spring systems.